topic #6 folien. polysemous verbs with light and concrete senses.


2024-02-09 21:41:00.904603

term paper draft

essai of a replication study of Mehl (2021): “What we talk about when we talk about corpus frequency: The example of polysemous verbs with light and concrete senses”.


“If onomasiological frequency measurements do indeed correlate with elicitation tests, potential impact would be immense. Researchers would be able to examine onomasiological frequencies in spoken corpora rather than performing elicitation tests. That possibility would facilitate cognitive research into languages and varieties around the world, without the necessity of in situ psycholinguistic testing, and would also encourage the creation of more spoken corpora.” (Mehl (2021) p.23)


following corpus was used to determine frequencies:

Q.1: Santa Barbara corpus of spoken American English, (UCSB et al. (2005))

the corpus data was downloaded from:

exploring scripts:

see documentation

corpus sample

##       scb  id                                                text   lfd light
## 2974    3 242                 % I wanted it to be  home made Q  .  2974     0
## 65343  57 123                       ... It's gonna get messed up. 65343    NA
## 9465    8 567        and then I didn't and I .. kept making like,  9465     1
## 67928  59 714  And he's  really good at making out .. the budget. 67928     1
## 35078  30 612       ... God is continually .. building character. 35078     0
## 61913  53 604                               and make the payroll, 61913     1
## 28500  24  25                                            .. Yeah. 28500    NA
##           alt
## 2974     make
## 65343 a-other
## 9465     make
## 67928    make
## 35078   build
## 61913    make
## 28500 a-other

distribution analysis

cf. (Mehl 2021, 11–14)

## concrete          68          96          62         131          52
## light            321         353          85          79         167
## take.sbc give.sbc make.sbc
## concrete         105      148       60       88
## light            227      462      249      475
absolute distribution of lemmas over corpora. ICE data from study.

absolute distribution of lemmas over corpora. ICE data from study.

relative distribution of lemmas over corpora.

relative distribution of lemmas over corpora.

semantic alternatives to make

  • includes alternatives to /make/ that Mehl defined in his study
  • all occurences are counted
    • Mehl contrasted only these alternate occurences which:

“are defined as those verbs that occur in the corpus with the same concrete direct objects as make, (take, and give) and with a roughly equivalent meaning.” (cf. Mehl (2021) p.13)

##              bring build carry create generate give make produce take
## all.objects     46    18    10      6        1  115  163       3  174
## all.conc.obj    12     1     2      1       29   55   50      12    1

## 137     finish    afghan  13   2   2   0  attr      28.51461  *****
## 654     Filled    cookie   1   6   1   0  attr      15.81813   ****
## 924     create      Adam  13   1   1   0  attr      14.17394    ***
## 928     create      rift  13   1   1   0  attr      14.17394    ***
## 930     record  Simpsons  13   1   1   0  attr      14.17394    ***
## 1337    shovel      food   1  34   1   0  attr      12.20185    ***
## 1338 Unsweeten      food   1  34   1   0  attr      12.20185    ***
## 1476   filling     stuff   1  46   1   0  attr      11.58948    ***
## 1518    create     cause  13   2   1   0  attr      11.40296    ***
## 1519    create committee  13   2   1   0  attr      11.40296    ***
## 1520    create condition  13   2   1   0  attr      11.40296    ***
## 1784      bake     bread   5   7   1   0  attr      10.48243     **
## 1862      roll    tamale   8   5   1   0  attr      10.19627     **
## 2626    record      trip  13   8   1   0  attr       8.15687     **
## 3307    record      game  13  16   1   0  attr       6.71671     **

2nd approach collexeme evaluation

## 1        take           care 334  33  32 1.5  attr       190.790  *****
## 17       make       decision 279  10   9 0.4  attr        52.401  *****
## 18       make     difference 279  13  10 0.5  attr        51.581  *****
## 37       take          trick 334  10   8 0.5  attr        39.521  *****
## 42       make          sense 279  12   8 0.5  attr        37.292  *****
## 43       take         shower 334   6   6 0.3  attr        36.973  *****
## 62       make          fudge 279   7   6 0.3  attr        33.490  *****
## 74       take           look 334  10   7 0.5  attr        31.217  *****
## 82       give        sticker 173   4   4 0.1  attr        29.934  *****
## 91       make          money 279  74  15 2.9  attr        28.180  *****
## 96      build         garage  25   5   3 0.0  attr        27.645  *****
## 100      make           copy 279  14   7 0.5  attr        26.835  *****
## 107      make         budget 279   4   4 0.2  attr        26.075  *****
## 110      take      advantage 334   6   5 0.3  attr        25.483  *****
## 117     build            dam  25   7   3 0.0  attr        24.826  *****
## 120      take          space 334   4   4 0.2  attr        24.626  *****
## 121      take          while 334   4   4 0.2  attr        24.626  *****
## 130      make          noise 279   7   5 0.3  attr        24.390  *****
## 133      take           bite 334  10   6 0.5  attr        23.886  *****
## 141      take        picture 334  20   8 0.9  attr        23.536  *****
## 149      give            try 173   3   3 0.1  attr        22.433  *****
## 150      give         lesson 173   6   4 0.1  attr        22.391  *****
## 155      take          class 334  16   7 0.7  attr        22.062  *****
## 287     carry        mission  12   5   2 0.0  attr        19.226   ****
## 289      make            fun 279  10   5 0.4  attr        19.136   ****
## 290      give           shot 173   8   4 0.2  attr        19.033   ****
## 295     bring            art  56   8   3 0.1  attr        18.801   ****
## 305      give        measure 173   4   3 0.1  attr        17.982   ****
## 306     bring         bottle  56   9   3 0.1  attr        17.943   ****
## 318      give           idea 173  39   7 0.9  attr        17.292   ****
## 319     build      character  25   4   2 0.0  attr        17.291   ****
## 400     carry          chair  12   8   2 0.0  attr        16.967   ****
## 426   produce       champion   3   1   1 0.0  attr        15.948   ****
## 490     bring           deer  56   3   2 0.0  attr        15.701   ****
## 499      make         report 279   8   4 0.3  attr        15.296   ****
## 567     build          plant  25   6   2 0.0  attr        15.210   ****
## 569      make     connection 279   4   3 0.2  attr        15.125    ***
## 570      make          sound 279   4   3 0.2  attr        15.125    ***
## 575      give        headach 173   2   2 0.0  attr        14.944    ***
## 576      give     permission 173   2   2 0.0  attr        14.944    ***
## 577      give         sanity 173   2   2 0.0  attr        14.944    ***
## 641    create           rift   6   1   1 0.0  attr        14.360    ***
## 677      take     punishment 334   4   3 0.2  attr        14.056    ***
## 756      take          break 334  14   5 0.6  attr        13.389    ***
## 757      take           year 334  14   5 0.6  attr        13.389    ***
## 760     build       building  25   9   2 0.0  attr        13.333    ***
## 825      give         answer 173   7   3 0.2  attr        13.063    ***
## 826      give           call 173   7   3 0.2  attr        13.063    ***
## 827      make          dingo 279   2   2 0.1  attr        13.024    ***
## 828      make         living 279   2   2 0.1  attr        13.024    ***
## 829      make           loan 279   2   2 0.1  attr        13.024    ***
## 830      make           mess 279   2   2 0.1  attr        13.024    ***
## 831      make        mistake 279   2   2 0.1  attr        13.024    ***
## 832      make       progress 279   2   2 0.1  attr        13.024    ***
## 833      make          quilt 279   2   2 0.1  attr        13.024    ***
## 836      make         tamale 279   5   3 0.2  attr        12.972    ***
## 842     carry        baggage  12   1   1 0.0  attr        12.883    ***
## 862     carry            sho  12   1   1 0.0  attr        12.883    ***
## 944      take            cut 334   2   2 0.1  attr        12.301    ***
## 945      take            nap 334   2   2 0.1  attr        12.301    ***
## 1004     take         square 334   5   3 0.2  attr        11.919    ***
## 1044   create          cause   6   2   1 0.0  attr        11.589    ***
## 1045   create      committee   6   2   1 0.0  attr        11.589    ***
## 1046   create      condition   6   2   1 0.0  attr        11.589    ***
## 1053   create         stress   6   2   1 0.0  attr        11.589    ***
## 1066     make          pizza 279   6   3 0.2  attr        11.462    ***
## 1081 generate          power   1  24   1 0.0  attr        11.453    ***
## 1108    build      cofferdam  25   1   1 0.0  attr        11.370    ***
## 1115    build           nest  25   1   1 0.0  attr        11.370    ***
## 1116    build         podium  25   1   1 0.0  attr        11.370    ***
## 1118    build         towers  25   1   1 0.0  attr        11.370    ***
## 1150    bring           gift  56   7   2 0.1  attr        11.204    ***
## 1153     give     antibiotic 173   3   2 0.1  attr        11.173    ***
## 1154     give         notice 173   3   2 0.1  attr        11.173    ***
## 1417  produce         report   3   8   1 0.0  attr         9.924     **
## 1493    bring         action  56   1   1 0.0  attr         9.734     **
## 1494    bring         beauty  56   1   1 0.0  attr         9.734     **
## 1495    bring         coupon  56   1   1 0.0  attr         9.734     **
## 1496    bring     extinction  56   1   1 0.0  attr         9.734     **
## 1497    bring      inspector  56   1   1 0.0  attr         9.734     **
## 1498    bring            joy  56   1   1 0.0  attr         9.734     **
## 1499    bring       politics  56   1   1 0.0  attr         9.734     **
## 1500    bring       semiload  56   1   1 0.0  attr         9.734     **
## 1501    bring      spikenard  56   1   1 0.0  attr         9.734     **
## 1546     give      character 173   4   2 0.1  attr         9.495     **
## 1579     make      statement 279   8   3 0.3  attr         9.351     **
## 1588     make    arrangement 279   3   2 0.1  attr         9.283     **
## 1589     make      cartilage 279   3   2 0.1  attr         9.283     **
## 1590     make        ceviche 279   3   2 0.1  attr         9.283     **
## 1591     make        comment 279   3   2 0.1  attr         9.283     **
## 1592     make          humor 279   3   2 0.1  attr         9.283     **
## 1593     make            pan 279   3   2 0.1  attr         9.283     **
## 1764  produce           heat   3  14   1 0.0  attr         8.750     **
## 1798    build        library  25   2   1 0.0  attr         8.604     **
## 1804     take            off 334   3   2 0.1  attr         8.577     **
## 1805     take          shelf 334   3   2 0.1  attr         8.577     **
## 1806     take            top 334   3   2 0.1  attr         8.577     **
## 1807     take           wire 334   3   2 0.1  attr         8.577     **
## 1827     give          break 173  14   3 0.3  attr         8.410     **
## 1837    carry      paperwork  12   4   1 0.0  attr         8.394     **
## 1850     give          grace 173   5   2 0.1  attr         8.358     **
## 1851     give        history 173   5   2 0.1  attr         8.358     **
## 1852     give          scale 173   5   2 0.1  attr         8.358     **
## 1857     take           trip 334   8   3 0.4  attr         8.346     **
## 1949     take          lunch 334  24   5 1.1  attr         8.011     **
## 1976     give           name 173  29   4 0.7  attr         7.853     **
## 2032     make           turn 279   4   2 0.2  attr         7.635     **
## 2067     give        backrub 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2068     give       brushoff 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2069     give           bump 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2070     give         credit 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2071     give         enzyme 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2072     give        example 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2073     give          extra 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2074     give          focus 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2075     give           herb 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2076     give      highlight 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2077     give            hug 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2078     give      itinerary 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2079     give           kiss 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2080     give    orientation 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2081     give         reward 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2082     give          shift 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2083     give         speech 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2084     give             st 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2085     give         survey 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2086     give          sweet 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2087     give         tasnks 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2088     give           text 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2089     give      toothpick 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2090     give    twentyeight 173   1   1 0.0  attr         7.466     **
## 2123     make           half 279  11   3 0.4  attr         7.280     **
## 2156    carry         weight  12   7   1 0.0  attr         7.160     **
## 2190    bring         camera  56   2   1 0.0  attr         6.977     **
## 2191    bring           clam  56   2   1 0.0  attr         6.977     **
## 2192    bring        disease  56   2   1 0.0  attr         6.977     **
## 2193    bring           nega  56   2   1 0.0  attr         6.977     **
## 2194    bring          paint  56   2   1 0.0  attr         6.977     **
## 2195    bring         pastry  56   2   1 0.0  attr         6.977     **
## 2196    bring            pie  56   2   1 0.0  attr         6.977     **
## 2197    bring          queen  56   2   1 0.0  attr         6.977     **
## 2240    build           step  25   4   1 0.0  attr         6.891     **
## 2346    bring           fear  56  20   2 0.2  attr         6.773     **
## 2347     make         choice 279  12   3 0.5  attr         6.753     **
## 2392     make     appearance 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2393     make          arena 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2394     make     assumption 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2395     make          attra 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2396     make         bitter 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2397     make         camper 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2398     make          court 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2399     make       database 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2400     make          decaf 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2401     make      discovery 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2402     make           fuss 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2403     make           gasp 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2404     make     generality 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2405     make          goody 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2406     make          grape 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2407     make          gravy 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2408     make    guesstimate 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2409     make            hei 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2410     make      horseshoe 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2411     make   intercession 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2412     make           lame 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2413     make           leap 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2414     make             lo 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2415     make           loaf 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2416     make      mandatory 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2417     make         motion 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2418     make         nation 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2419     make         remake 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2420     make          scene 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2421     make         statue 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2422     make         steady 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2423     make             sw 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2424     make       swelling 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2425     make           tart 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2426     make          thous 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2427     make         threat 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2428     make           todo 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2429     make            use 279   1   1 0.0  attr         6.508      *
## 2485     take           rest 334  11   3 0.5  attr         6.322      *
## 2520    carry          stone  12  11   1 0.0  attr         6.212      *
## 2542     take          ahold 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2543     take             al 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2544     take    businessman 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2545     take        capsule 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2546     take         census 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2547     take         charge 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2548     take         Claire 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2549     take          crust 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2550     take         detour 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2551     take          exray 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2552     take         farmer 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2553     take         Forbes 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2554     take           fowl 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2555     take          frost 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2556     take         guitar 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2557     take           hunk 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2558     take      kilometer 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2559     take        logical 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2560     take            Lug 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2561     take       negative 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2562     take            NPh 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2563     take       offering 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2564     take         pickup 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2565     take           plug 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2566     take            rea 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2567     take            row 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2568     take            sEp 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2569     take     silverware 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2570     take      spacesuit 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2571     take          stand 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2572     take           stub 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2573     take          theme 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2574     take         torque 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2575     take          train 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2576     take     Tupperware 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2577     take        Tylenol 334   1   1 0.0  attr         6.148      *
## 2598     take          heart 334  20   4 0.9  attr         6.111      *
## 2617    build           barn  25   6   1 0.0  attr         5.997      *
## 2618    build         couple  25   6   1 0.0  attr         5.997      *
## 2632    bring           bird  56   3   1 0.0  attr         5.946      *
## 2633    bring       twothird  56   3   1 0.0  attr         5.946      *
## 2650     take        passage 334   5   2 0.2  attr         5.854      *
## 2677    carry           heat  12  14   1 0.0  attr         5.718      *
## 2679     make          pasta 279   6   2 0.2  attr         5.699      *
## 2680     make        seventy 279   6   2 0.2  attr         5.699      *
## 2704     give         number 173  23   3 0.6  attr         5.577      *
## 2756     take        balloon 334  13   3 0.6  attr         5.356      *
## 2757     take         minute 334  13   3 0.6  attr         5.356      *
## 2761     give          power 173  24   3 0.6  attr         5.352      *
## 2777     take           time 334  84   9 3.9  attr         5.296      *
## 2778    bring           roll  56   4   1 0.0  attr         5.282      *
## 2787    bring         friend  56  30   2 0.2  attr         5.231      *
## 2809    build          fence  25   9   1 0.0  attr         5.144      *
## 2826     make           mile 279   7   2 0.3  attr         5.040      *
## 2845    carry            bag  12  20   1 0.0  attr         5.001      *
## 2859     take          bunch 334  14   3 0.6  attr         4.947      *
## 2860     give          order 173  11   2 0.3  attr         4.945      *
## 2861     give        trouble 173  11   2 0.3  attr         4.945      *
## 3018    bring    application  56   5   1 0.0  attr         4.792      *
## 3019    bring          drink  56   5   1 0.0  attr         4.792      *
## 3020    bring          plate  56   5   1 0.0  attr         4.792      *
## 3029     give        address 173   2   1 0.0  attr         4.742      *
## 3030     give          basil 173   2   1 0.0  attr         4.742      *
## 3031     give      community 173   2   1 0.0  attr         4.742      *
## 3032     give    convenience 173   2   1 0.0  attr         4.742      *
## 3033     give       homework 173   2   1 0.0  attr         4.742      *
## 3034     give         horsis 173   2   1 0.0  attr         4.742      *
## 3035     give     impression 173   2   1 0.0  attr         4.742      *
## 3036     give           kick 173   2   1 0.0  attr         4.742      *
## 3037     give     literature 173   2   1 0.0  attr         4.742      *
## 3038     give          peace 173   2   1 0.0  attr         4.742      *
## 3039     give           rite 173   2   1 0.0  attr         4.742      *
## 3040     give         safety 173   2   1 0.0  attr         4.742      *
## 3041     give        setting 173   2   1 0.0  attr         4.742      *
## 3042     give     suggestion 173   2   1 0.0  attr         4.742      *
## 3043     give      treatment 173   2   1 0.0  attr         4.742      *
## 3066    bring            one  56  84   3 0.7  attr         4.629      *
## 3068     give           tape 173  12   2 0.3  attr         4.611      *
## 3109     make           trip 279   8   2 0.3  attr         4.496      *
## 3135    bring        clothes  56   6   1 0.0  attr         4.404      *
## 3136    bring         cookie  56   6   1 0.0  attr         4.404      *
## 3137    bring            set  56   6   1 0.0  attr         4.404      *
## 3139    build           part  25  13   1 0.0  attr         4.399      *
## 3155     give         chance 173  13   2 0.3  attr         4.310      *
## 3173     give           life 173  30   3 0.7  attr         4.219      *
## 3235     give           cake 173  14   2 0.3  attr         4.037      *
## 3246     make        picture 279  20   3 0.8  attr         3.966      *
## 3288     make           cent 279   2   1 0.1  attr         3.814     ns
## 3289     make        classic 279   2   1 0.1  attr         3.814     ns
## 3290     make   fourthgrader 279   2   1 0.1  attr         3.814     ns
## 3291     make            gay 279   2   1 0.1  attr         3.814     ns
## 3292     make    improvement 279   2   1 0.1  attr         3.814     ns
## 3293     make          kebab 279   2   1 0.1  attr         3.814     ns
## 3294     make    measurement 279   2   1 0.1  attr         3.814     ns
## 3295     make           move 279   2   1 0.1  attr         3.814     ns
## 3296     make           ride 279   2   1 0.1  attr         3.814     ns
## 3297     make      selection 279   2   1 0.1  attr         3.814     ns
## 3298     make        spatula 279   2   1 0.1  attr         3.814     ns
## 3299     make         string 279   2   1 0.1  attr         3.814     ns
## 3300    bring           cart  56   8   1 0.1  attr         3.813     ns
## 3316    build              h  25  18   1 0.1  attr         3.759     ns
## 3318     give          candy 173   3   1 0.1  attr         3.744     ns
## 3319     give           hint 173   3   1 0.1  attr         3.744     ns
## 3320     give      interview 173   3   1 0.1  attr         3.744     ns
## 3321     give          quota 173   3   1 0.1  attr         3.744     ns
## 3322     give         vision 173   3   1 0.1  attr         3.744     ns
## 3376     make          point 279  22   3 0.9  attr         3.505     ns
## 3383     take             ac 334   2   1 0.1  attr         3.470     ns
## 3384     take           band 334   2   1 0.1  attr         3.470     ns
## 3385     take           bath 334   2   1 0.1  attr         3.470     ns
## 3386     take        blanket 334   2   1 0.1  attr         3.470     ns
## 3387     take       clipping 334   2   1 0.1  attr         3.470     ns
## 3388     take          couch 334   2   1 0.1  attr         3.470     ns
## 3389     take          crown 334   2   1 0.1  attr         3.470     ns
## 3390     take           cyst 334   2   1 0.1  attr         3.470     ns
## 3391     take          drive 334   2   1 0.1  attr         3.470     ns
## 3392     take      end_table 334   2   1 0.1  attr         3.470     ns
## 3393     take           grip 334   2   1 0.1  attr         3.470     ns
## 3394     take          knife 334   2   1 0.1  attr         3.470     ns
## 3395     take    measurement 334   2   1 0.1  attr         3.470     ns
## 3396     take       medicine 334   2   1 0.1  attr         3.470     ns
## 3397     take         period 334   2   1 0.1  attr         3.470     ns
## 3398     take          queen 334   2   1 0.1  attr         3.470     ns
## 3399     take        sweater 334   2   1 0.1  attr         3.470     ns
## 3400     take     tablecloth 334   2   1 0.1  attr         3.470     ns
## 3649    bring    information  56  10   1 0.1  attr         3.371     ns
## 3656     give          check 173  17   2 0.4  attr         3.350     ns
## 3712    bring          order  56  11   1 0.1  attr         3.186     ns
## 3729     take            bag 334  20   3 0.9  attr         3.152     ns
## 3731     take            car 334  32   4 1.5  attr         3.142     ns
## 3737     give           lift 173   4   1 0.1  attr         3.113     ns
## 3763     make           deal 279  12   2 0.5  attr         2.994     ns
## 3794     make         center 279   3   1 0.1  attr         2.846     ns
## 3795     make      deduction 279   3   1 0.1  attr         2.846     ns
## 3796     make         pillow 279   3   1 0.1  attr         2.846     ns
## 3797     make        regular 279   3   1 0.1  attr         2.846     ns
## 3798     make       sandwich 279   3   1 0.1  attr         2.846     ns
## 3822    bring           cake  56  14   1 0.1  attr         2.729     ns
## 3823    bring          world  56  14   1 0.1  attr         2.729     ns
## 3824     take          point 334  22   3 1.0  attr         2.724     ns
## 3827     take           half 334  11   2 0.5  attr         2.719     ns
## 3828     take          order 334  11   2 0.5  attr         2.719     ns
## 3838     give         calory 173   5   1 0.1  attr         2.655     ns
## 3839     give          cover 173   5   1 0.1  attr         2.655     ns
## 3840     give          drink 173   5   1 0.1  attr         2.655     ns
## 3841     give        mission 173   5   1 0.1  attr         2.655     ns
## 3842     give       ornament 173   5   1 0.1  attr         2.655     ns
## 3843     give           pair 173   5   1 0.1  attr         2.655     ns
## 3844     give           pass 173   5   1 0.1  attr         2.655     ns
## 3855    bring            air  56  15   1 0.1  attr         2.601     ns
## 3883     take        algebra 334   3   1 0.1  attr         2.518     ns
## 3884     take      checkbook 334   3   1 0.1  attr         2.518     ns
## 3885     take      deduction 334   3   1 0.1  attr         2.518     ns
## 3886     take           drug 334   3   1 0.1  attr         2.518     ns
## 3887     take           nail 334   3   1 0.1  attr         2.518     ns
## 3888     take    opportunity 334   3   1 0.1  attr         2.518     ns
## 3889     take           risk 334   3   1 0.1  attr         2.518     ns
## 3890     take          touch 334   3   1 0.1  attr         2.518     ns
## 3891     take             tr 334   3   1 0.1  attr         2.518     ns
## 3892     take           week 334   3   1 0.1  attr         2.518     ns
## 3906     take         amount 334  12   2 0.6  attr         2.431     ns
## 3916   create          thing   6 165   1 0.1  attr         2.385     ns
## 3917    bring          light  56  17   1 0.1  attr         2.373     ns
## 3918    build          water  25  38   1 0.1  attr         2.369     ns
## 3931     give           back 173   6   1 0.1  attr         2.301     ns
## 3932     give        clothes 173   6   1 0.1  attr         2.301     ns
## 3933     give          juice 173   6   1 0.1  attr         2.301     ns
## 3934     give              m 173   6   1 0.1  attr         2.301     ns
## 3935     give         pepper 173   6   1 0.1  attr         2.301     ns
## 3936     give            set 173   6   1 0.1  attr         2.301     ns
## 3994    bring              h  56  18   1 0.1  attr         2.271     ns
## 4000     make         change 279   4   1 0.2  attr         2.246     ns
## 4001     make          issue 279   4   1 0.2  attr         2.246     ns
## 4002     make          judge 279   4   1 0.2  attr         2.246     ns
## 4003     make       marriage 279   4   1 0.2  attr         2.246     ns
## 4004     make         outfit 279   4   1 0.2  attr         2.246     ns
## 4005     make          wiper 279   4   1 0.2  attr         2.246     ns
## 4020     take         chance 334  13   2 0.6  attr         2.177     ns
## 4021     take            day 334  13   2 0.6  attr         2.177     ns
## 4022     take           note 334  13   2 0.6  attr         2.177     ns
## 4025     make           life 279  30   3 1.2  attr         2.152     ns
## 4060    carry            lot  12  98   1 0.2  attr         2.022     ns
## 4065     give           down 173   7   1 0.2  attr         2.015     ns
## 4066     give         reason 173   7   1 0.2  attr         2.015     ns
## 4070     give           card 173  26   2 0.6  attr         1.996     ns
## 4077     take           fall 334   4   1 0.2  attr         1.933     ns
## 4078     take          pants 334   4   1 0.2  attr         1.933     ns
## 4079     take           pill 334   4   1 0.2  attr         1.933     ns
## 4080     take           pony 334   4   1 0.2  attr         1.933     ns
## 4081     take       position 334   4   1 0.2  attr         1.933     ns
## 4082     take         record 334   4   1 0.2  attr         1.933     ns
## 4083     take           rock 334   4   1 0.2  attr         1.933     ns
## 4084     take           step 334   4   1 0.2  attr         1.933     ns
## 4085     take           turn 334   4   1 0.2  attr         1.933     ns
## 4094     take          place 334  27   3 1.3  attr         1.883     ns
## 4100    bring           form  56  23   1 0.2  attr         1.845     ns
## 4106     make    application 279   5   1 0.2  attr         1.819     ns
## 4107     make       ornament 279   5   1 0.2  attr         1.819     ns
## 4108     make              P 279   5   1 0.2  attr         1.819     ns
## 4109     make         papers 279   5   1 0.2  attr         1.819     ns
## 4110     make           pass 279   5   1 0.2  attr         1.819     ns
## 4111     make        payroll 279   5   1 0.2  attr         1.819     ns
## 4112     make          plate 279   5   1 0.2  attr         1.819     ns
## 4113     make       schedule 279   5   1 0.2  attr         1.819     ns
## 4114     make       servants 279   5   1 0.2  attr         1.819     ns
## 4115     make         square 279   5   1 0.2  attr         1.819     ns
## 4158     give           time 173  84   4 2.0  attr         1.588     ns
## 4160     give        machine 173   9   1 0.2  attr         1.574     ns
## 4161     give           shit 173   9   1 0.2  attr         1.574     ns
## 4162     give         ticket 173   9   1 0.2  attr         1.574     ns
## 4168     take              b 334   5   1 0.2  attr         1.522     ns
## 4169     take         calory 334   5   1 0.2  attr         1.522     ns
## 4170     take            can 334   5   1 0.2  attr         1.522     ns
## 4171     take          diary 334   5   1 0.2  attr         1.522     ns
## 4172     take       interest 334   5   1 0.2  attr         1.522     ns
## 4173     take        message 334   5   1 0.2  attr         1.522     ns
## 4174     take           pass 334   5   1 0.2  attr         1.522     ns
## 4185     make         basket 279   6   1 0.2  attr         1.495     ns
## 4186     make        clothes 279   6   1 0.2  attr         1.495     ns
## 4187     make           clue 279   6   1 0.2  attr         1.495     ns
## 4188     make         cookie 279   6   1 0.2  attr         1.495     ns
## 4189     make            hay 279   6   1 0.2  attr         1.495     ns
## 4190     make          juice 279   6   1 0.2  attr         1.495     ns
## 4191     make            Mrc 279   6   1 0.2  attr         1.495     ns
## 4192     make              s 279   6   1 0.2  attr         1.495     ns
## 4193     make          sauce 279   6   1 0.2  attr         1.495     ns
## 4194     make           tail 279   6   1 0.2  attr         1.495     ns
## 4195     make          throw 279   6   1 0.2  attr         1.495     ns
## 4243     give       goldfish 173  10   1 0.2  attr         1.399     ns
## 4244     give    information 173  10   1 0.2  attr         1.399     ns
## 4274     take            job 334  32   3 1.5  attr         1.280     ns
## 4277     give            bit 173  34   2 0.8  attr         1.271     ns
## 4281     give          child 173  11   1 0.3  attr         1.247     ns
## 4282     give           rest 173  11   1 0.3  attr         1.247     ns
## 4286     make           call 279   7   1 0.3  attr         1.239     ns
## 4287     make            dam 279   7   1 0.3  attr         1.239     ns
## 4288     make           mind 279   7   1 0.3  attr         1.239     ns
## 4291    bring           food  56  34   1 0.3  attr         1.218     ns
## 4292     take           back 334   6   1 0.3  attr         1.214     ns
## 4293     take         breath 334   6   1 0.3  attr         1.214     ns
## 4294     take            cab 334   6   1 0.3  attr         1.214     ns
## 4295     take        control 334   6   1 0.3  attr         1.214     ns
## 4296     take        insulin 334   6   1 0.3  attr         1.214     ns
## 4297     take         liquid 334   6   1 0.3  attr         1.214     ns
## 4298     take            set 334   6   1 0.3  attr         1.214     ns
## 4299     take           test 334   6   1 0.3  attr         1.214     ns
## 4300     take            VOX 334   6   1 0.3  attr         1.214     ns
## 4328     give         amount 173  12   1 0.3  attr         1.114     ns
## 4329     give            cup 173  12   1 0.3  attr         1.114     ns
## 4344    build            way  25  86   1 0.3  attr         1.043     ns
## 4426     make          salad 279   8   1 0.3  attr         1.031     ns
## 4427     make            tap 279   8   1 0.3  attr         1.031     ns
## 4428     make            ton 279   8   1 0.3  attr         1.031     ns
## 4429     make            Vox 279   8   1 0.3  attr         1.031     ns
## 4436     take              q 334  35   3 1.6  attr         1.000     ns
## 4444     take         answer 334   7   1 0.3  attr         0.974     ns
## 4445     take           gift 334   7   1 0.3  attr         0.974     ns
## 4446     take          month 334   7   1 0.3  attr         0.974     ns
## 4447     take           type 334   7   1 0.3  attr         0.974     ns
## 4448     take       woodwork 334   7   1 0.3  attr         0.974     ns
## 4482     give           word 173  14   1 0.3  attr         0.890     ns
## 4483     give           year 173  14   1 0.3  attr         0.890     ns
## 4484     make              f 279   9   1 0.3  attr         0.859     ns
## 4485     make           line 279   9   1 0.3  attr         0.859     ns
## 4486     make          shirt 279   9   1 0.3  attr         0.859     ns
## 4489     make           kind 279  44   3 1.7  attr         0.852     ns
## 4507     take           cart 334   8   1 0.4  attr         0.782     ns
## 4508     take          pound 334   8   1 0.4  attr         0.782     ns
## 4509     take           shot 334   8   1 0.4  attr         0.782     ns
## 4528     take          water 334  38   3 1.8  attr         0.768     ns
## 4540     give           kind 173  44   2 1.1  attr         0.694     ns
## 4541     take           form 334  23   2 1.1  attr         0.694     ns
## 4548     take responsibility 334   9   1 0.4  attr         0.626     ns
## 4549     take              t 334   9   1 0.4  attr         0.626     ns
## 4550     take         ticket 334   9   1 0.4  attr         0.626     ns
## 4576     take           foot 334  24   2 1.1  attr         0.610     ns
## 4581     make           work 279  29   2 1.1  attr         0.587     ns
## 4595    bring         dollar  56  57   1 0.4  attr         0.527     ns
## 4596     make         friend 279  30   2 1.2  attr         0.526     ns
## 4600     take        account 334  10   1 0.5  attr         0.498     ns
## 4601     take       painting 334  10   1 0.5  attr         0.498     ns
## 4603     make           buck 279  12   1 0.5  attr         0.490     ns
## 4604     make         recipe 279  12   1 0.5  attr         0.490     ns
## 4605     make           sign 279  12   1 0.5  attr         0.490     ns
## 4606     make           tape 279  12   1 0.5  attr         0.490     ns
## 4622     give        picture 173  20   1 0.5  attr         0.444     ns
## 4626     make        balloon 279  13   1 0.5  attr         0.402     ns
## 4627     make           case 279  13   1 0.5  attr         0.402     ns
## 4628     make           note 279  13   1 0.5  attr         0.402     ns
## 4629     take           ball 334  11   1 0.5  attr         0.392     ns
## 4630     take        percent 334  11   1 0.5  attr         0.392     ns
## 4631     take           tree 334  11   1 0.5  attr         0.392     ns
## 4691     give          point 173  22   1 0.5  attr         0.346     ns
## 4694     make          break 279  14   1 0.5  attr         0.326     ns
## 4696     make           food 279  34   2 1.3  attr         0.323     ns
## 4703     take           buck 334  12   1 0.6  attr         0.305     ns
## 4704     take           deal 334  12   1 0.6  attr         0.305     ns
## 4705     take           tape 334  12   1 0.6  attr         0.305     ns
## 4706     give          story 173  23   1 0.6  attr         0.303     ns
## 4712     make              q 279  35   2 1.4  attr         0.283     ns
## 4713     take             uh 334  66   4 3.1  attr         0.282     ns
## 4718    bring          money  56  74   1 0.6  attr         0.263     ns
## 4733     take          paper 334  13   1 0.6  attr         0.232     ns
## 4734     take           part 334  13   1 0.6  attr         0.232     ns
## 4735     take           root 334  13   1 0.6  attr         0.232     ns
## 4742     make          class 279  16   1 0.6  attr         0.208     ns
## 4751     make          horse 279  38   2 1.5  attr         0.180     ns
## 4753     take           word 334  14   1 0.6  attr         0.173     ns
## 4756     make            eye 279  17   1 0.7  attr         0.161     ns
## 4757     make          light 279  17   1 0.7  attr         0.161     ns
## 4772     take            air 334  15   1 0.7  attr         0.125     ns
## 4773     take            egg 334  15   1 0.7  attr         0.125     ns
## 4775     make              X 279  18   1 0.7  attr         0.122     ns
## 4776     give        problem 173  29   1 0.7  attr         0.121     ns
## 4806     give             uh 173  66   2 1.6  attr         0.105     ns
## 4807     give              p 173  30   1 0.7  attr         0.101     ns
## 4809     take          money 334  74   4 3.4  attr         0.097     ns
## 4818     give            car 173  32   1 0.8  attr         0.066     ns
## 4831     take            lot 334  98   5 4.5  attr         0.049     ns
## 4839     take              X 334  18   1 0.8  attr         0.033     ns
## 4840     give              q 173  35   1 0.8  attr         0.030     ns
## 4841     give          money 173  74   2 1.8  attr         0.028     ns
## 4853     take           baby 334  19   1 0.9  attr         0.017     ns
## 4854     make          story 279  23   1 0.9  attr         0.014     ns
## 4878     make           foot 279  24   1 0.9  attr         0.006     ns
## 4881     take            one 334  84   4 3.9  attr         0.003     ns
## 4888     take             um 334  21   1 1.0  attr         0.001     ns
## 4893     take             Hx 334  22   1 1.0   rep         0.000     ns
## 4921     make            man 279  29   1 1.1   rep         0.014     ns
## 4931     make         dollar 279  57   2 2.2   rep         0.021     ns
## 4932     make          thing 279 165   6 6.4   rep         0.025     ns
## 4945     make            car 279  32   1 1.2   rep         0.051     ns
## 4946     make          house 279  32   1 1.2   rep         0.051     ns
## 4947     give            lot 173  98   2 2.4   rep         0.057     ns
## 4949    bring          thing  56 165   1 1.3   rep         0.069     ns
## 4951     take           hand 334  28   1 1.3   rep         0.077     ns
## 4962     make            bit 279  34   1 1.3   rep         0.086     ns
## 4965     take           work 334  29   1 1.3   rep         0.101     ns
## 4967     give         dollar 173  57   1 1.4   rep         0.112     ns
## 4979     take         dollar 334  57   2 2.6   rep         0.178     ns
## 4995     give         people 173  64   1 1.5   rep         0.219     ns
## 5013     make          stuff 279  46   1 1.8   rep         0.422     ns
## 5016     take           idea 334  39   1 1.8   rep         0.449     ns
## 5024     take            kid 334  43   1 2.0   rep         0.632     ns
## 5037     take       question 334  47   1 2.2   rep         0.832     ns
## 5046     make            lot 279  98   2 3.8   rep         1.070     ns
## 5047     take            guy 334  52   1 2.4   rep         1.104     ns
## 5053     make             uh 279  66   1 2.6   rep         1.278     ns
## 5067     make            one 279  84   1 3.2   rep         2.223     ns
## 5068     make           time 279  84   1 3.2   rep         2.223     ns
## 5070     make            way 279  86   1 3.3   rep         2.334     ns
## 5080     take          thing 334 165   3 7.6   rep         3.876      *
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B: references

Mehl, Seth. 2021. “What We Talk about When We Talk about Corpus Frequency: The Example of Polysemous Verbs with Light and Concrete Senses.” Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 17 (1): 223–47.
UCSB, John W. DuBois, L. Chafe Wallace, Charles Meyer, Sandra A. Thompson, Robert Englebretson, and Nii Martey. 2005. “Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English Department of Linguistics - UC Santa Barbara.” SBC.